Americanist Dinner Forum: Karishma Furtado Guest
This month's presenter will be AMCS Birds of Passage Fellow Karishma Furtado. Karishma's research is in the service of closing the school discipline gap, or the disproportionate rate at which Black students are suspended from school and pushed out of the classroom. She studies the drivers of, outcomes of, and interventions on the discipline gap, with a growing appreciation of the ways in which various identities in adddition to race intersect the school discipline setting.
The Birds of Passage fellowships are directed to graduate students doing applied research related to social and economic problems in the metropolitan St. Louis area.
RSVPs are due to Terri Behr by Friday, January 17th.
The Americanist Dinner Fora are the flagship intellectual event for the AMCS community. Each month features a new speaker or set of speakers exploring a topic relevant to American Culture Studies through the medium of a selected reading or presentation. If a reading is included, it will be circulated the week prior. AMCS PhD Certificate students are expected to attend each of the fora, and AMCS MA students and AMCS Faculty are strongly encouraged to attend.