Sports & Society Reading Group: A Discussion with Alex Squadron

Alex Squadron (WashU ’17) will be joining us on Friday, October 13, from 3:00-4:30pm in Seigle 301. 

Alex will be discussing his new book Life in the G: Minor League Basketball and the Relentless Pursuit of the NBA: "Life in the G is about the arduous quest to achieve an improbable goal: making it to the NBA.


Zeroing in on the Birmingham Squadron and four of its players—Jared Harper, Joe Young, Zylan Cheatham, and Malcolm Hill—Alex Squadron details the pursuit of a dream in what turned out to be the most remarkable season in the history of minor league sports.

Alex will also be signing copies of his book on Saturday, October 15th at Pi Pizzeria at 400 North Euclid Avenue from 5-7pm. For more details on that event to go Left Bank Books.