Directed Fieldwork in American Culture Studies


Fieldwork under the direction of an AMCS-affiliated faculty. Fieldwork proposals must be submitted for review in advance, and routine meetings and consultation with advising faculty should take place over the course of the semester of enrollment (and possibly before). See the AMCS website for more information about fieldwork expectations and process. Enrollment by permission of Program pending approval of project proposal, which will be submitted several months before the fieldwork begins. Schedule to be determined based on participant and advisor availability. Preference given to AMCS Majors and Minors and course is contingent upon suitable enrollment. All students must add themselves to the Waitlist first and will be notified by early August if the class section will be offered or cancelled. American Culture Studies (AMCS) is a multidisciplinary program that provides both a broader context for study in different fields and a deeper understanding of American culture in all of its complexities.
Course Attributes: