First Year Seminar - Chinatown: Migration, Identity, and Space


"Chinatown," as a cultural symbol and a spatial entity, links various topics and studies in this course. Our survey starts with a historical and geographical glimpse of Chinatowns and ethnoburbs in the U.S. through real-life stories of their residents. We then expand our horizon to global Chinatowns with selected case studies of Chinatowns in Japan, Southeast Asia, Europe, and Australia. Our historical and ethnographic inquiries also investigate the ways in which Chinese food has been adapted to each local culture and society. Through the lens of Chinatown, this seminar looks into migration and settlement while tackling questions about representations of identity and culture as well as spatial constructions by immigrant communities. In doing so, we reconsider popular narratives about Chinatowns or ethnic enclaves in general. The assignments include ethnographic surveys of Chinese businesses.
Course Attributes: EN H; FYS; BU IS; AS HUM; AS LCD; FA HUM; AR HUM

Section 01

First Year Seminar - Chinatown: Migration, Identity, and Space
View Course Listing - FL2024

Section 02

First Year Seminar - Chinatown: Migration, Identity, and Space
View Course Listing - FL2024