Surveillance & the City


Emergent public concerns about the practices of citizen surveillance in western democracies recognizes that the techno-logics of twenty-first century political reality feature persistent monitoring, invisible identification, and data collection. Rise in technological sophistication in the capture and assessment of data makes adoption at scale by city governments affordable and relatively non-controversial. But as the surveillance of bodies, habits, associations, and identities becomes more naturalized in the governing and policing institutions of urban areas, legal safeguards lag behind, concepts like privacy and security become fuzzier, and existing inequalities of race and class become hardcoded in the techno systems supposedly designed as neutral tools. This fieldwork class will explore St. Louis as a landscape of the always observed, from community-level realities to online experiences. Readings and class discussion will be complimented by field trips to sites in the St. Louis region to interrogate the practice of observation among different zip codes and communities where the blanketing presence of surveillance practices and surveillance technology warps a relationship to place, amplifies racial, cultural, and class inequalities and disenfranchisements, consolidates social and political control, and replaces human accountability with the veneer of the objective and rational machine.
Course Attributes: EN H; BU Hum; BU BA; AS HUM; FA HUM; AR HUM

Section 01

Surveillance & the City
View Course Listing - FL2022
View Course Listing - FL2024